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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Where Has Financial Elite Gone?

We're still here, but have been extremely busy. There has also been some thought of changing the direction of the blog and discuss just how the Financial Elite have an effect on our very financial lives. Stay tuned to what happens next.

In the meantime, so far this year we have paid down additional $12,000 of debt and our debt snowball is about to really get rolling as we will be paying off our first two credit cards in July.
After that we'll start applying the money that was going towards the paid off cards and put it towards the next card in line.

We're happy how fast the year is going. Not that we are wishing our lives away, but this time next year we will have at least three credit cards paid off and will have made the last of our car payments. At that time our snowball will be huge and we can knock each debt out right after the other.

Good things are here and more to come soon.

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