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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Financial Blogger Arrested.

I was just reading about a blogger in South Korea who was arrested for his comments on his blog. How crazy is that?

From what I read he has a financial blog, which sounds similar to us here at Financial Elite, and was arrested because of his predictions of the financial market.

The blogger known by the surname of Park predicted dire predictions about the global economy including the collapse of Lehman Brothers, which did happen.

The 31 year old Park, who went by the pen name of Minerva, the Greek goddess of wisdom, was arrested on charges of spreading false information on an Internet discussion site last month that the government had ordered major financial institutions and trade businesses not to purchase U.S. dollars.

So what? The guy has predictions about the financial markets. We do that here too. Are we going to get arrested for our opinions? Of course this is the U.S. and not South Korea, but what's the big deal? Somethings he predicted came true and I am sure that some did not. I hear opinions from financial guru's all the time and their predictions don't always come true.

It is rare for a blogger to be arrested in South Korea. It's one of the most tech and and wired savvy nations. Critics are saying this could undermine freedom of speech on the Internet.

I guess he could have done some harm by spreading false information, but don't people predict things all the time that never come true? Or did get too many things right and the government didn't like it. Is there some master plan in world controlling everything? And maybe they don't like the truth being told. Let us know what you think.

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