Welcome To Financial Elite!

Follow our 200K journey to get out of debt! We share our best money tips to get out of debt and build wealth.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Blogging...Not Only A Passion, But An Addiction.

I had the idea to create Financial Elite over a year and a half ago, when we started our silk screening and advertising specialty items business. I had set up a blog for both the business and Financial Elite after our web designer had suggested doing so to help drive traffic to our site.

I didn't do anything with either one until last October when I decided to really give blogging a try. What started as wanting to post a few thoughts and tips both in the business and financial world has gone from hobby to passion to addiction.

I absolutely love blogging. It has been great hearing from the readers, as well as seeing the blogs continue to grow and change. I have been learning a lot as I go namely from ProBlogger.

It has been very exciting to see people Digg my posts as well as increase my ranking on Technorati. Thanks to all the readers who have assisted me in doing so. Since in November I have gone from a ranking of approximately 4,700,000 to today's current ranking of 1,767,593 on Technorati.

I still have a way to go to the number one spot on Technorati, but jumping 3,000,000 spots in rank has been interesting to see.

So thanks again for everyone's support. I hope you are gaining lots of knowledge in the financial world. I love to hear from you so keep those cards and letters coming. Here's to going to the top...for everyone.

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