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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Economy So Bad Even Immigrants Can't Afford to Stay Here

Things can really seem bad when even when immigrants can't afford to stay here.

America's economic boom during the 1990's and the 2000's created a high demand of day workers needed for anything from building homes to picking fruit and from working at slaughterhouses to working as nannies. Many of those jobs have since evaporated, resulting in more and more people, immigrants and native born Americans, flooding day labor job sites and standing on street corners in search of any type of work they can get.

Across the United States, tens of thousands of immigrants, those here legally and illegally, are facing a similar dilemma: Do they continue to search for jobs in a struggling U.S. economy or return to an even bleaker economic situation.

Some immigrants are saying they can't make it here and feel if they are going to suffer it's better to suffer back in their country with their family.

How do you think immigrants leaving the country will effect our economy? Let's hear from you.

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