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Sunday, February 8, 2009

No Excuses For Going Into Foreclosure or Not Making Your Credit Card Payments. Part 1

After my post "What the Heck is a Matter With People. Buy and Bail" I received some flack from people telling me they couldn't do what I suggested. Taking a quote from Henry Ford, "Whether you think you can or think you can't, either way you are right."

Buying and bailing is simply people buying new homes, which they qualify for, and then walking away from their previous home. Rather than renting the previous home or trying to sell it they send it into foreclosure. Most people are getting bigger and better homes for less than their previous homes.

Little do people realize they are just making the economy worse by sending more homes into the foreclosure market. We are never going to get out of this economic crisis if this doesn't stop and it can even make things worse.

Just because your house is upside down you don't walk away from it. Just because you maxed out your credit card doesn't mean you don't pay it. You bought it, you made those charges, you pay for it. You have an obligation to fulfill. Don't ruin your credit over things like this or better yet, don't drive this country further into a recession. "The wicked borrows, and pays not again: but the righteous shows mercy, and gives." Psalms 37:21

I had suggested to people with mortgage payments increasing to do things like rent a room to someone or get another job. If you put your mind to it you can do anything.

A lot of people didn't feel comfortable having a stranger live in their home, which a can totally understand, if there wasn't someone you personally knew that needed a place to live. Most people were up in arms about getting a second job. I know it sucks, but you have to do what you have to do. If that doesn't work try selling the stuff you bought up on your credit cards.

I have decided to put my money where my mouth is a get a second job just prove it can be done. First and foremost is running my businesses, but I am willing to do this just to prove a point. I am so on fire about this topic and what people are doing I want to set an example.

With the economy in the current state it is in the best jobs aren't exactly the pick of the litter, but they are out there if you look.

I know many Realtors and bankers, who aren't making what they are used to, who have found part time work as security officers. So I jumped on craigslist to see what I could find.

My father was a Chicago Police Officer and I thought about being a Cop at one time myself, so I thought that would be a interesting job to have. Not that being a rent a copy is anything near being a police officer.

Scouring the employment section of craigslist I found tons of security jobs. I began going to get employment applications at various offices around town. The second security company I went to pretty much hired me on the spot.

I had to be issued an unarmed security guard card by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, which cost me $85, but I will use that as a tax deduction.

After getting finger printed, photographed, and having a background check done I was ready to go. I had to take a test to be a guard and pass it with 100% score, but I did it...piece of cake.

So I was officially hired and ready to go. Ironically, my first assignment was to work the PPIA show, which is the Promotional Products Association International, where vendors and manufacturers show the latest in promotional products. The ironic thing is that, besides silk screening and embroidery, it is primarily what my company sells. Although, we are members of ASI, Aadverting Specialities Inc, it is the same concept. How ironic is that?

I worked the 11-7 shift or graveyard as it is called. The show was in its tear down stage. It was a snap. Just walking the halls making sure sure doors were locked and everything was secure. Breaks and lunch were scheduled right on time. I enjoyed the structure. I guess because I normally work straight through lunch and really don't take a break. This may teach me a lesson to give myself a rest once in a while.

I made a whopping $76 before taxes and they will be deducting $30 a paycheck for the next two pay periods to pay for my company issued jacket, which will be another tax deduction. Not a whole lot of money, but working a full week will make a difference. And if you need the money every little bit helps. An extra $1,200 a month can be the difference on a house payment or keep credit cards from being late for a lot of people.

Basically working two full time jobs may not be all that easy to some, but if you really want something you can do it. Especially, if you want to save your home and your credit.

Next up...my concerns with sleep deprivation.

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