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Sunday, February 15, 2009

No Excuses For Going Into Foreclosure or Not Making Your Credit Card Payments. Part 5

Well, I made it through two full weeks of of basically two full time jobs. I generally work the security guard job from 11 pm to 7am. Do my Superman thing, jump in a phone booth and change my clothes, and then head off to the office.

I have been tired, getting about 3 hours sleep will do that to you, but I am fine. And to me it proves if you need to accomplish something, you can do it.

Aside from proving a point that are no excuses for not doing what it takes to save your home or your credit, I have met a lot of interesting people and learned a lot about peoples opinions of money.

Some it seems think they can do no better than work a $10 an hour security job. Some don't even show up to work. I can't believe how many no calls no shows there are. Some do it just to make extra money for their hobbies, And others are doing just what I have been discussing. Working two and sometimes three jobs to help pay their mortgage or reduce their debt.

One guard, I am not sure if he does this as his only job or he just does it make extra money, told me about his passion for roller coasters. Talking to him helped me realize that part of being wealthy is not necessarily money related, but following your passion.

The guard I met is a member of American Coaster Enthusiasts. Also known as ACE.

Ace was founded in 1978 and is non profit organization of nearly 7,000 members from all 50 states and more than a dozen countries. Ace member or commonly known as "ACEers". I guess kind of like Star Trek fans being "Trekkie's" of "Trekkers".

According to Ace their members are the most educated, dedicated, and passionate amusement park guests.

They travel from park to park to ride and critique roller coasters. They even have marathons to see who can ride the roller coaster the longest.

I love roller coasters my self and some of my favorites are Big Thunder Mountain at Disneyland and the Viper at Six Flags Magic Mountain. I had now idea there were so many roller coasters out there until the guard told me about it. Nor did I know there was an organization of passionate roller coaster riders.

I think it is great to follow your passion and encourage everyone who has a passion to go after it. Do it now?

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