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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Heroes...No, Make That Angels Of The Economy.

With the continued "Doom and Gloom" still irresponsibly being spread like wildfire here are more uplifting stories from Financial Elite.

CNNMoney covers the story of 6 people making personal sacrifices to help the economy to help others out of the doom and gloom. From saving a stranger's home to feeding needy families.

Rob Katz- To prevent layoffs, he decided to take the biggest cut himself. Unlike the AIG executives taking big bonuses and salaries, Katz cut his $840,000 a year salary down to $0 for 2009, and he will take a 15% cut when it is reinstated.

Marilyn Mock- In November, Mock set up the Foreclosure Angel Foundation to help those in similar circumstances to Orr. Thus far, the foundation has been fueled mainly by Mock's own savings and profits from her business, a company that builds rock retaining walls. FAF has helped three families in Florida, Pennsylvania and North Carolina stay in their homes.

Pam Koner, Jamie Raskulinecz, and Linda Vargas- Through her program Family to Family, more than 700 families have been linked to together. But Koner never expected she'd nee to focus her efforts on her own town. Then layoffs began to hit the middle class community in Hastings on Hudson, N.Y., and she knew she needed to talk action.

Rich Salon- "The business's social responsibility should not end when it announces liquidation," Salon says. "Even if an employer is going out of business, it can and should continue to help it's employees."

Mike Heritage- His company, London Real Estate Group, has a 66,244 square foot mixed use complex on the north side of town that is only 70% leased. So Heritage is offering up the remaining space as office space for local small businesses -- free of charge.

Scott Haag- To get by, he's had to institute a wage and hiring freeze, though he hasn't yet resorted to layoffs. Still, he wanted to help those around him -- and try to bolster the local economy. So Haag offered $2,000 to any employee purchasing a new car, or $1,000 for buying a used car.

Kudos to these folks doing what they can to help the economy. For those folks just walking away from their homes just because they are upside down should be ashamed. Let's hear from everyone. Tell us your stories and let us know if your a economy hero or in my book an angel.

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