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Sunday, March 15, 2009

You Can Live on $300 A Week.

Previously in our post, "Couple Lives On $1 a Day...Economic or Diet Experiment," we talked about and the story of Christopher Greenslate and Kerri Leonard. Living on a $1 a day may be a little rough, but it can be done. If you feel you can't live on $1 day how about we give you a raise to $300.

There is always somewhere you can cut back, but you have to be willing to do it. CNNMoney discussed Life On Unemployment telling the stories of six families who are living on $300 a week.

Jim Kelley- "Suzanne and I can, have and will continue to make the sacrifices. We have want to do the little things we can do to protect our children from "adult problems" of the current economic situation. We know we'll land on our feet. With our children at such a critical stage in their development, we just want to make sure they do, too."

Robin Sherwood- "We've been racking our brains to come up with extra money. I've been working on a children's e-book, and I'd like to start selling it online soon. Ron and I might start selling motorcycle parts, and I've already sold some things on eBay. It's little opportunities, but we're trying."

Jon Mikres- "I've cut back on everything. I eliminated going out for lunch and going out on the town on weekends. I go out about once every two months now."

Jason Rohrick- "Unemployment has allowed my family to retain a humble, but comfortable, lifestyle. We are able to pay all our bills, and we're actually netting more money than when I had a job, since w don't have to pay a small fortune for daycare. One of my daughters stays home with me and the other attends only part time now."

Gregory Prescott- "We've cut back on eating out, and we get Netflix instead of renting movies.Stephanie and didn't do anything for our anniversary, and we didn't exchange gifts at Christmas. We cancelled a partial season ticket package for the Washington Nationals."

Tim Pukis- "We've started cooking more at home, which has saved us so much money. I was spending $200 a month on lunch just for myself. I've also started using public transpiration. COBRA health insurance is an expense that can crush you when you're unemployed, so I'd recommend a lot of research if you're worried about being laid off."

These are all great examples that it can be done. We have all been spoiled for so long. Getting whatever we want by the use of credit. The creativity these folks is amazing. I know it sucks, but if you really ant something can achieve it, through hard work and sacrifice. A great re-structuring is going to becoming from our current economic situation, but in the long run it will be worth.

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