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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bank of America to Begin Opening Customer-Driven Banking Centers.

When I started my life in finance, working as I teller, I often wondered why banks did not operate like investment firms. Where you make an appointment and went into an office to speak to a knowledgeable professional regarding your investment needs. People so often complained of long waits and lack of privacy I don't why Bank of America did not think of this sooner.

As always Bank of America continually delivers new capabilities targeted to the evolving needs of customers. It recently opened a banking center at the EpiCentre restaurant and retail development in Charlotte and soon to be opened banking centers at Bank of America Tower at One Bryant Park this month and 86th & Lexington in August in New York City are examples of this approach. The centers were specially designed as a direct result of listening to and learning from customers about how they want to interact with us.

The banking centers combine the use of technology such as online experience and technology based resources with the personal attention of a banking center associate, "This design allows us to test new concepts to better meet the evolving needs and preferences of our customers," said Ken Jackowitz, Cross Channel Design and Transformation executive. "The layout helps customers quickly navigate to the right area to meet their need, allowing them to work independently or with an associate."

The results from these banking centers will be used to further develop the experience to better meet preferences of customers. "The seamless combination of interactive technology, clear marketing communications and knowledgeable, customer driven associates guide, inspire and add value for customers who choose to casually browse, intentionally shop or purposefully collaborate to achieve financial well being at Bank of America," said Janet LaCasse, retail Program Execution executive.

Some of the elements that are unique to these banking centers include the following:

- Interactive surface computers and Learn PCs allow customers to learn about concepts such as managing their finances, and to explore products as Online Banking and Mobile Banking.

- Bank By Appointment (BBA) helps customers save time by allowing them to save time by allowing them to book an appointment before coming to the banking center. Once there, associates use BBA to place customers in a virtual queue, displayed on monitors throughout the store. By knowing their place in line, customers are free to actively browse while waiting to meet with an associate.

- Videoconferencing expands the banking center team by allowing customers to interact with experts from other areas of the bank not located at the banking center, such as a mortgage loan officer or Customer Solutions specialists.

- Interactive product materials that customers can e-mail home to continue their research and learning.

I think this is a great concept and look forward to seeing these branches make their way throughout the country.

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