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Monday, April 20, 2009

Collection Agencies Keep Calling Me About My Credit Card Debt. Should I Pay Them?

First of all don't pay anyone without verifying who they are or what the debt is. Debt collection agencies will call you if you have debts to pay. Debt Collection Agencies will also pursue old debts that you never paid off, in hopes that you will pay it just to get them to stop calling and harassing you. But beware! With the economy the way it is there are plenty of scams these days. Most of the time the debts don't exist. They are the result of identity theft, clerical errors, or credit reports that have not been updated. Other debts are so old the debt collection agency no longer has the right to legally sue to collect. I have seen court orders sent to people just before the legal time period is about to pass in hopes of being able to collect. I have also seen debts sold to other collection agencies in an attempt to extend the legal time period. Starting the clock all over. Within 30 days of being contacted by them, be sure to send the debt collection agency a letter explaining you do not owe this money and request proof that the debt is legit. Make sure the letter is certified and have them send you a copy of the bill to prove that it is true. If within 30 days the debt collection agency does not provide proof of the debt, they can longer keep contacting you. Also, they cannot list the debt on your credit report. You should always review your credit report at least once a year. Visit annualcreditreport.com to get a copy of your free credit report. All of the three credit bureaus, Equifax, Experian, and Transunion, are required to provide you with one free credit report a year.


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