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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Don't Let The Swine Flu Hit You In The Wallet.

Missing work because of illness can be costly. Both for you and your employer especially if you don't have health insurance or sick days. Missing out on lost wages for any length of time can hurt you in the pocket book. Also, your employer misses out on your productivity costing them lost services or less products to produce. So with the threat of the swine flu looming not to mention the what the usual seasonal flu can do, watch for the warning signs.

The CDC and Who Web sites state that the symptoms of the H1N1 flu may include high fever, headache, tiredness, cough, runny nose, body aches, diarrhea, vomiting and sore throat. Many different illnesses, including the common cold, have symptoms similar to those caused by flu--therefore, you should check with their doctor if you experience any or several of these symptoms.

Pending additional guidance from health officials, please follow these easy to remember good health guidelines.

- Wash hands regularly--particularly before eating, after using the restroom or after touching public door handles, elevator buttons, etc.

- Avoid touching the eyes, nose or mouth when hands are not clean.

- Stay at home when you are sick.

- Cover nose and mouth with a tissue or elbow if possible when coughing or sneezing.

- Be mindful of your proximity to others who show signs of the flu (social distancing).

For information on the H1N1 flu, please visit pandemicflu.gov

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