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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Looking For Good Economic News.

More and more good economic news has been sprouting up, but tales of doom and gloom still love to rear their ugly head.

Financial Elite, as always, continues to give tips on how to improve your financial life. But we also report stories on the good news happening in the economy.

Fellow blogger Eldon Mast over at "The Good News Economist" continuously knocks down the tales of doom and gloom and posts nothing but good economic news.

In March, NBC anchor Brian Williams said, He'd been hearing repeatedly from people he met on the street or viewers who send e-mails: The news was so bad every night that it's a burden to watch. One viewer wrote: "We all know it's bad, but the news makes us feel like crawling a rock."

Williams encouraged viewers to nominate people doing good work, random or regular acts of kindness in a cruel economy, and began telling some of their stories.

There was a story of a man who kept a full can of gas in his trunk that gives it to people who have run out of gas, asking only that they do the same for someone else. Another woman goes up to strangers on the street and gives them money. One man nominated his landlord, saying he reduced the rent and even helps pay his bills.

We need this trend of good news to continue . Please share your good news and positive stories with us. Remember: good news=good economy.

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