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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Twitter Is For More Than Just Twittering. Find A Job

Financial Elite is now on Twitter. I had been delaying joining, but have finally jumped on the band wagon. So far it's pretty cool. More and more social networks are gaining momentum. We have shown before that social networking can be a great way to meet new people, but to get job in this down turned economy.

In today's society social networks are a must, especially when searching for a job! "It's mandatory to utilize the social networking platforms," according to social media expert and president of Affect Strategies Sandra Fathi.

LinkedIn, which has over 40 million users, is geared specifically toward professional networking. Expansive networks are built by posting a profile which acts as an online resume, making connections and getting references from your connections that potential employers can view.

But job seekers don't have to rely solely on others for information about possible job openings. There are a variety of services associated with social networking sites to help too, like TweetMyJobs, which sends out automatic updates of new openings in a specific field and region sent to your cell phone or by Twitter.

The greatest advantage to Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and LinkedIn in that job candidates and employers can meet through people. Those connections make it easier to break the ice.

Fathi recommends that job seekers immediately create a LinkedIn profile, a Facebook page, join Twitter and any relevant professional networks or communities in your field.

If you haven't joined one of these social networks, what are you waiting for? Climb on board for the social networking train.

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