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Friday, May 1, 2009

Optimism Continues To Grow As Good Economic News Grows

CNNMoney reported lots of great economic news this news week starting with a survey showing fewer people are seeing the economic condition as poor.

WASHINGTON (CNN)--Americans are becoming slightly more optimistic about the nation's economy, a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey showed Wednesday.

When the economy is bad, it is the top issue on the public's mind," said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "So when the number who say the economy is the number one problem facing the country goes down, it may be a leading indicator that things are looking up a bit."


Like we say around here good news=good economy.

On Wednesday, Fed Chairman Ben Bernake and the central bank kept rates steady near 0%. He says the economy is still decline, but the contraction has slowed.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com)--The Federal Reserve says it believes the U.S. economy is getting worse, but the pace of decline has slowed and the outlook has improved.

"Household spending has shown signs of stabilizing but remains constrained by ongoing job losses, lower housing wealth and tight credit," said the FOMC in its statement.

The Fed noted that the financial market conditions have improved "modestly," since last month, and said it expects inflation to "remain subdued."


Also, Charles Schwab & Co. investment strategist, Liz Ann Sonders commented, "There have been a decent dose of economic indicators showing signs of stability lately."

It's great to hear the continued increase in great economic. Please share your story with us on how you think the economy is improving.

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