There are many warning signs have a credit card debt problem. Much like being an alcoholic debt can be addicting. At some point you will probably have, if you haven't already, a panic moment. There are times when people have extra money and they will either blow the money or tend to payoff the wrong types of debt without looking at their full financial situation. As we have discussed before there are no easy fixes when it comes to credit card debt. It usually is a long term process to get a massive debt problem under control. If you can relate to at least 3 or more of these warning signs you probably have a credit card debt problem.
1. If you are always juggling payments or holding off paying one credit card to pay another and constantly getting past due notices...You may have a credit card debt problem.
2. If your are not saving a portion of your income every month. If you can't save 10 percent or any amount for that matter, of your pay every payday...You may have a credit card debt problem.
3. If you charge more each month than you make in credit card debt payments and have balances on more than five credit cards...You may have a credit card debt problem.
4. If your balances never go down and you take cash advances to make payments on other credit cards...You may have a credit card debt problem.
5. If you run out of money before payday and bounce checks regularly...You may have a credit card debt problem.
6. If you don't know how much you owe on your credit cards and you constantly check your mail for credit card offers...You may have a credit card debt problem.
7. If you use your credit cards for essentials such as food or gas...You may have a credit card debt problem.
8. You only pay the minimum on your credit cards...You may have a credit card problem.
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