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Sunday, July 19, 2009

My Employer is Reducing or Going to Stop it's Matching Contribution. Should I Stop Contributing to My 401K?

You need to decide how to manage your money best if your employer is no longer going to make matching contributions. If you have credit card debt, you may want to stop your contributions to your 401K so you have a bigger paycheck to put towards paying off your credit card balances. If you don't have credit card debt and don't have at least an eight month emergency fund, be sure to start putting money aside right away. If you don't have any credit card debt and you already have an eight month emergency fund, then the next step would be to stop contributing to your 401K and see if you qualify for a Roth IRA. Since certain income restrictions will prevent you from starting a Roth IRA your next best option would be to open a traditional IRA. If you have already made a contribution to your Roth or traditional IRA you then you can put the extra money towards paying down your mortgage if you think you will be staying in the home for quite some time or just keep contributing to your 401K. Even if you are not getting an employer match, contributing to your 401K is still one of the best ways to save tax deferred towards your retirement.

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