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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Has the Reduced Gas Prices Helped You Get Out of Debt?

Hasn't it been bad enough your debt has been going up, your wages are going down or worse (you've lost your job), and gas prices have been going back up?

Gas prices have risen about 20 cents per gallon in the past month to national average price of $2.65 a gallon for unleaded regular, says gasbuddy.com. All this when at the time of year when gasoline demand is usually the lowest.

How are gas prices going up with demand down? With oil looming around $80 a barrel, prices are increasing because of the week dollar and by likely increasing global oil demand during the economic recovery has essentially doubled since hitting a post level boom low of about $35 a barrel a year ago.

Factors are lining up that could push gas prices back over $4 a gallon sometime next year.

So how would $4 a gallon for gas effect you in the pocket book? Has the lower prices helped you reduce your debt or would $4 a gallon again put the nail right back in the coffin? Lets hear from you.

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