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Saturday, November 28, 2009

How to Get Motivated to Get Out of Debt

Getting motivated to get out of debt should be just as motivating, if not more than, anything else you would get motivated about. If your child was in a burning home, you would be pretty darned motivated to get them out of there, wouldn't you?

Well, being in debt can be just like being trapped in a burning building. If you can't pay your credit card bills or are facing bankruptcy that should be motivation enough to do something.

Make getting out a debt a personal challenge. Think about the consequences for a moment. Your insurance rates can go up from it, you can get embarrassing calls at work from collectors, it can prevent you from buying a car or home.

You have probably gotten used to a certain lifestyle and standard of living. Just thinking about confronting your debt to improve upon your financial situation may not sit well with you. You can probably easily talk yourself out of changing your spending habits and saving money. You may think if it ain't broke why fix it? Eventually, things might just break.

You need to ask yourself, am I happy living beyond my means? Do you want to be in debt for the rest of your life? Is debt affecting your personal life? If you want to achieve more in your life, you have to reach deep inside and activate one of the most basic human drives: motivation. Once the motivation process starts you will begin to make a commitment to yourself to get out of debt.

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