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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bernanke is Back on for Another Round

From Jennifer Liberto at CNNMoney: Bernanke gets a second term

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke was confirmed for a second term.

The final confirmation vote was 70-30...more than enough senators, 77, voted to end a filibuster on the nomination in a procedural move that required 60 votes.

Bernanke won his confirmation by one of the smallest margins of all time for a Fed chairman.

"Our present economic problems are no accident," said Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., a key lawmaker who works with Dodd on financial legislation. "Dr. Bernanke's Federal Reserve played a key role in setting the stage for the financial crisis we're in now."

"He sat there, and said everything is fine. Everything was fine and everything was wonderful. everything was OK," said Sen. Barbara Boxer, who is up for re-election this fall. "If Mr. Bernanke is confirmed, and I expect he will be, I will hope he will listen to what a lot f us are saying here, and turn his attention to Main Street."

More from L.A. Times: Bernanke get second term as Fed chairman

Many people are asking, why do you want to re-appoint someone who failed at his job. What do you think, should Bernanke been re-appointed?

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