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Saturday, January 23, 2010

If You're a Business Owner Get Ready for Another Tough Year

Form Catherine Clifford at CNNMoney: Business owners brace for another rough year

Do you have any idea if the economy will rebound in 2010? Small business owners don't; and it's the single biggest challenge they face on planning for the year ahead.

Economic uncertainty is their biggest challenge...64% called it a threat to the growth ans survival of their business.

Mor than 70% said their sales dropped or stayed flat on 2010, with just 225 reporting revenue growth.

Rising costs o push pink slips: 92% of small business owners said they expect an increase in the cost of their premiums in 2010.

Tight credit is another obstacle. "Country to various reports that the credit crunch has eased or is no longer a problem, NSBA's members are still struggling.

The credit crunch is definitely not over and that is a painful fact for many small business owners. It's a shame that the very banks that we provided bailout funds to have cut their small business lending by $12.5 billion in the last half of 2009. So many business owners can't get the adequate financing to continue running their business. What's a small business owner to do?

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