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Friday, January 22, 2010

Were You Denied a Mortgage Loan Modification?

From CNNMoney: Talkback: Were denied a mortgage mod?

Today CNNMoney asked, were you placed in a HAMP trial modification but denied a permanent modification? What are doing now?

Here were some of the responses:

"I tried to get Bank of America to do a loan modification on my loan, and I was told that I needed to be behind in my mortgage payment at least 5 or more. Since I was up to date that I didn't qualify."

"Started 8 months ago wit B of A to modify. After being denied 3 times-each time they had the wrong info entered for income even though they had confirmed 5 times. So, now stopped paying until they modify or buy some time to move. Now the credit is shot and I can't use my credit cards anymore because they keep lowering my limits down, they finally moved the file to a "retention specialist" who says they use a 10% rule to modify. They take your net income, lower it ten percent and then back in a new payment. Sounds crazy but we will see if it works. Months of not sleeping and waiting for a knock on the door is no way to live."

"I was under review with BOA for 5 months before they came back this week with nothing. They said at this time there was nothing they can do. I am only 30 days late but will hit 60 days this time. Maybe then they will help."

"I say everyone stop paying on their houses for 9 months and I mean EVERYONE. Bring 'em crashing down once and for all."

"JP Morgan is playing games in order to prevent giving me a loan modification."

"I might as well seek out a rich uncle."

It's seems like a lot of the stories are the same. So many people are not getting any help or are being stalled into foreclosure. Have you applied for a loan modification? Are you getting anywhere?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great resource!


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