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Monday, January 25, 2010

Why Work Hard and Not be Happy?

From Jessica Dickler at CNNMoney: 'Working twice as hard for half the money'

Being out of work is taking a toll on job seekers. But even those with a job are getting fed up.

Layoffs, diminished benefits, pay cuts and extra workload burdens are finally pushing many disgruntled workers right out the door.

24% of workers sat they are no longer fell loyal...19% plan to move to a new job...

"Workers feel like they took the brunt of the recession because companies had to do whatever they could to cut costs, and what they cut were programs that directly impacted employees," explained Michael Erwin, a senior adviser at Career Builder.

"Morale is in the toilet," said Glassdoor's Rueff. "Morale issues lead to productivity issues which lead to results issues."

"People who are in jobs need to think long and hard before they jump up and say that the grass greener on the other side." Rueff cautioned. "I don't think they want to be out there on the street right now."

It is a rough job market out there, but I say if you aren't happy then find something that makes you happy. Try making extra money with a hobby and maybe you can turn it around into a major business. Follow your bliss and the passion and you will always have happiness.

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