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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Chase's BLP (Balance Liquidation Program) is Still the Best

[This post is written and copyrighted by Financial Elite (http://financialelite.blogspot.com/ ).]

Well, it is finally done. I added my last credit card to Chase's Balance Liquidation Program. Just like before, Chase's BLP is still the best.

I have been kind of putting it off for a while as I continued to tweak my budget. I don't want to start these programs and then not be able to afford it.

JP Morgan Chase called me tonight about the remaining credit card that was still not set up on the program. So I figured since they called it was just a good of time as any to get it set up.

At first I thought the deal on this card was not going to be as great as the others as they wanted to give me a interest rate of 2.00%, which I was taken a little bit off guard. I was a little surprised with the interest rate because they had given me 0.00% on my other credit cards.

I explained to the rep that I was given 0.00% on my other cards, which she verified and quickly gave me the same offer on this card. If any bank tries to get you to pay any kind of interest definitely demand they give you the lowest rate possible.

Remember you are trying to do the right thing and pay back your debt. Do the banks want to get paid or don't they? You could easily default on the card or file bankruptcy. So be sure they help you as much as they can.

Chase also offered me the same deal to waive thousands in interest along with over the limit and late fees.

Now that I have made the switch once again to a debt reduction program this helps solidify my journey to be debt free in 5 years or less. This would be the last card paid off if I continued the program. Here's to 3/31/15. The day a will be debt free...again! Thanks Chase.

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