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Saturday, March 6, 2010

I am Never Going to get Ahead!

I can't get ahead! I am never going to get ahead! I am never going to pay off all this debt! Is this you?

First of all whether you say I can't or I can either way you're right. I have paid tons of debt more than once and each time I said I could and I did, but these days that seems extra hard this go around.

But there might be reason why it seems so hard to get ahead these days. One reason is the Federal Reserve has to much control of our money. The current financial crisis has happened before and will happen again.

The Fed's acting to slow or over reacting to financial situation has caused economic turmoil in our country since it inception. Along with being the puppet of the affluent the Fed has driven the American people's financial well being into the ground.

The wealthy have had their 2 cents in the kitty as well influencing our leaders to make decision and pass laws to benefit them.

Financial Elite is changing gears and having a new outlook on the constant propaganda in the press that constantly pounds into our head on a daily basis. Causing a psychological chain reaction and throwing us into a financial abyss.

Do you agree? If you don't, have a quick financial crisis history lesson and take a look at these videos and let us know what you think.

Any of this sound familiar?

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