You need to get on this right away. What would you do if you were in an accident or your car broke down right now, would you be able to buy a new car? They say social security is going away, how will you retire? Millions of people are losing their jobs right now, would you be able to pay your bills if you were laid off?
As long as you have credit card debt and as long as you keep spending money you will be living pay check to pay check and you will be broke. If you get your accounts paid off and quit spending on your wants, you will have money to save.
You need to take a stand and say, "I am sick and tired of being sick and tired!" Do not fall into conformity's grip and be like everyone else. Try something different for a change and live like others can't. All you have to lose is your debt.
[This post is written and copyrighted by Financial Elite ( ).]
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