- Whenever you get a raise, deposit the extra money you make directly into your savings account so you don't miss it. It is very tempting to spend the extra money, but don't give yourself a chance to spend it. Set yourself up on direct deposit right away and have the amount of your raise put away.
- Brown bag your lunch. Taking your lunch to work instead of eating out will save you anywhere from $5 to $10 a day. That could be a $100 or more a month.
- If you don't have debt, put your tax return in your savings account. However, if you do have debt, slap that refund down on your credit cards.
- Deposit any overtime pay, bonus or part-time job money into your saving account.
- Pay cash for everything. You will spend less if you pay cash over using your debit or credit cards. It hurts to spend cash. Swiping plastic doesn't. Ditch the cards.
- Put in your budget a savings plan for big purchase items like a new car. The more you put down the less your payment will be. Not to mention the money you will save in interest. Even better, save enough money to pay cash for your car.
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Thursday, January 27, 2011
What are Some Painless Ways I Can Save More Money?
People usually have no problem spending money, but saving money is a whole different story. It's kind of like when you want to lose weight, but just like there are ways to cut back on calories, there are a few things you can do to make saving money relatively painless.
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