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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas...A Time To Give To A Charity.

Giving is definitely part of acquiring wealth. The Bible suggests tithing, which is giving 10% of your income, as well as saving 10% for yourself.I received an interesting Christmas card from my sister the other day with a donation in my name to the Heifer International.

Heifer International is a nonprofit, humanitarian organization, dedicated to ending hunger and poverty and caring for the Earth. Since 1944, Heifer has pursued their mission by providing livestock and training in environmentally sound agriculture to enable them to become self-reliant. Recipients also agree to "pass on the gift" of one or more of their animals' offspring and training to others in need, creating an ever-widening circle of hope.

Here are some interesting facts provided by Heifer International:

Milk, Hope, and Peace-Cows provide manure for fertilizer, draft power to plow fields, one calf a year and four gallons of milk a day. The milk that is not used to feed the family can be sold for income.

Old Reliable-For 12,000 years, sheep have provided milk, wool, and meat for people in a wide variety of climates. Their thick coats are a valuable -and renewable-income source for farmers.

Pigs for Progress-Pigs are an excellent source of protein and extra money. Thriving on vegetable matter that humans find inedible like carrot tops and damaged fruit, pigs do not compete with families for food and are also easy to keep.

Many Eggs in One Basket- Chickens boost family income and nutrition, providing a steady supply of protein-rich eggs and meat.

Nimble Assets-Llamas are terrific assets to farmers in the highlands of South America. Families weave clothing and blankets from llama's abundant wool fiber, and the nimble, intelligent creatures can survive on twigs and moss.

Gift Ark- A Gift Ark brings hope to many hungry families and supports Heifer's entire mission. It furnishes quality animals wherever they are needed most and provides extensive training and support for recipients. The Gift Ark is a life-changing parade of Heifer animals including chicks, sheep, rabbits, beehives, guinea pigs, llamas, goats, donkeys, ducks, pigs geese, camels, oxen, water buffalo and cows.

The Versatile Gift-Goats are an adaptable and inexpensive resource that provide vital protein and income from milk and diary products that people can use to pay for medicine, housing and school and their children.

Trees and Bees-Trees stabilize topsoil, protect groundwater and can be used as animal feed, fencing and firewood. Bees produce honey and wax that struggling farmers can sell for income. Bees also pollinate fields, often tripling crop yields.

Multiply the Investment- Because rabbits reproduce rapidly, they are a great source of protein and steady income for families with limited land. Their nitrogen-rich manure can also greatly improve crop yields.

The Farmers Friend-Water buffalo are mighty draft animals that can plow fields,provide manure for fertilizer, produce nutritious milk and increase crop production as much as fourfold.

So for the Christmas spirit of giving if you want to give to a great cause check out Heifer.org or call 800-422-0474.

[This post is written and copyrighted by Financial Elite (http://financialelite.blogspot.com/ ).]

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