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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Don't Get Stuck in Analysis Paralysis.

I love the term "Analysis Paralysis", which I first heard coined in Loral Langemeier's book "The Millionaire Maker." I am re-posting a blog I wrote sometime ago about "Analysis Paralysis" and how it can affect so many situations in our daily lives.

"If the fire reaches the hangar pods it will ignite the fuel lines and we'll lose the ship. Do it!" This dialog is from the re-imagined series "Battlestar Galactica" in which, Chief Tyrol and LSO Captain Kelly debate on how to handle a critical situation, when Col. Tigh steps in and orders a section of the bulk heads to be sealed and preform a emergency vent of all compartments. I've found this to be the situation with many people, at times even myself, who don't follow through with things they need or want to do. Analyzing things to death and never taking action until it's too late. As Loral Langemeier puts it in her book "The Millionaire Maker" putting yourself in "Analysis Paralysis."

Kim Lavine discusses a similar situation in her book "The Mommy Millionaire" stating "I had a choice: lie here and worry or get up and find a way to get it done. This simple decision alone was the key to my company's eventual success. I know some entrepreneurs who never got past this point. They never resolved consciously to do whatever had to be done and instead focused on every problem, paralyzing themselves in fear and inaction."

If you want to do something do it. If you don't know how. Find out. Whatever you need to do to get it done. Do it! Don't get stuck in "Analysis Paralysis."

[This post is written and copyrighted by Financial Elite (http://financialelite.blogspot.com/ ).]

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