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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Focusing On Your Core Genius Will Lead The Way To Success.

Blogging has become such a pleasure for me it is virtually effortless. I actually find myself not wanting to do anything else and find myself addicted. Along with my other business passions blogging has become one of the loves in life. Besides my wife of course.

One of my favorite motivational speakers is Jack Canfield. He calls what I just discussed your core genius.

He believes you have inside you a core genius...some one thing that you love to do, and do so well, that you hardly feel like doing anything else. It's effortless for you, and a whole lot of fun. And if you could make money doing it, you'd make it your lifetime's work. Successful people believe this, too. That's why they put their core genius first. They focus on it-and delegate everything else to other people on their team.

For Jack, his core genius lies in the area of teaching, raining, coaching and motivating. He loves to do it, He does it well, and people report that they get great value from it. Another core genius is writing and compiling books. Along with his co-author Mark Victor Hansen and others, Jack has written, co-authored, compiled and edited more than 100 books.

Compare that to other people in the world who go through life doing everything themselves, even those tasks they're bad at or that could be done more cheaply, better, and faster by someone else. They can't find the time to focus on their core genius because they fail to delegate even the most menial of tasks.

When you delegate the grunt work--the things you hate doing or those tasks that are so painful, you end up putting them off--you get to concentrate on what you love to do. You free up your time so that you can be more productive. And you get to enjoy life more.

So why is delegating routine tasks and unwanted projects so difficult for most people? Surprisingly, most people are afraid of looking wasteful or being judged as being above everyone else. They are afraid to give up control or reluctant to spend the money to pay for help. Deep down, most people simply don't want to let go.

Other (potentially you) have simply fallen into the habit of doing everything themselves. "it's too time consuming to explain it to someone," you say. "I can do it more quickly and better myself anyway." But can you?


One of the strategies Jack uses and teaches is complete delegation. It simply means that you delegate a task once and completely--rather than delegating it each time it needs to be done.

When Jack's niece came to stay with him one year while she attended the local community college, they made a complete delegation--the grocery shopping. They told her she could have unlimited use of their van if she would buy the groceries every week. They provided her with a list of staples that they always wanted in the in the house (eggs, butter, milk, ketchup, and so on), and her job was to check every week and replace anything that was running low.

In addition, Jack's wife planned meals and let her know which items she wanted for the main courses (fish, chicken, broccoli, avocados, and so on). The task was delegated once and saved them hundreds of hours that year that could be devoted to writing, exercise, family time and recreation.

Most entrepreneurs spend less than 30% of their time focusing on their core genius and unique abilities. In fact, by the time they've launched a business, it often seems entrepreneurs are doing everything but the one thing they went into business for in the first place.

Many loan originators, for example, spend more time on account administration than they do on the phone or in the field making sales, when they could hire a part-time administrator (or share the cost with another sales-person) to do this time-consuming detail work. In most cases, in a fraction of the time it would take them and at a fraction of the cost.


Identify your core genius, then delegate completely to free up more time to focus on what you love to do.

Jack believes that you can trade, barter, pay for and find volunteer help to do almost everything you don't want to do, leaving you to do what you are best at--and which will ultimately make you the most money and bring you the most happiness.

For me this works great having employees, a maid, etc. frees up tons of time to give the time you need to focus on your core genius and concentrate on what makes you the happiest.

Jack Canfield is known as America's Success Coach. He is trhe founder and co-creator of the billion dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul and a leading authority on Peak Performance to learn more visit FreeSuccessStrategies.com

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