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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

No Excuses For Going Into Foreclosure or Not Making Your Credit Card Payments. Part 4

In previous posts to this series I have suggested to people to rent rooms in their homes or get second or even third jobs to prevent their homes from going into foreclosure or from having late credit card payments. But there is a another solution by simply being all you can be.

Something I hadn't considered is joining the military. An article caught my this morning on how military recruitment has surged as jobs have disappeared.

I have a friend whose son has just joined the Army. He'll have his food, clothing, housing and an $8,000 bonus check waiting for him when he completes his training. I think it is going to be great for him and it seems like a lot of other people are thinking it's not so bad too.

Despite the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, new recruits are lining up to join the U.S. military.

On Tuesday the Department of Defense said all branches of the armed forces, from the Army and Navy to the Marines and Air Force, have either met or exceeded their recruiting goals for January. This trend has grown as the job market has declined.

When the economy was strong the military had to struggle to fill its ranks. But even with increasing recruitment goals the military has either met or exceeded these goals since 2006.

With job losses totalling 2.6 million in 2008 and job losses already 598,000 in January alone the military is becoming more appealing.

President Obama is working on creating millions of jobs with the new stimulus package
and as we posted in the previous blog "Get A Job! Companies Are Hiring" many companies are hiring mainly in education and healthcare. So military isn't the only option right now.

With projections predicting that we will lose another 2 million jobs this year the military is assured to continue to meet its recruitment goals.

When questioned about the possibility of serving in Iraq or Afghanistan on recruit said, "I am not worried about that. I'm just worried about my kids."

This is the point I have been trying to get to in this series. Times might be tough, but you have to do what you have to do to survive. Where there is a will there is a way. Even if you have to do something honorable like serve your country.

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