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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

If My Bank Fails Do I Still Have To Pay Back My Credit Card?

Hello? I don't intend to be mean but, yes, you have to pay back your credit card. Even if the credit card company or the bank where you have your credit card or credit cards fails you are still responsible for the debt. This goes for loans too. As we have discussed before there is no easy way out. You have a personal responsibility to pay these debts. You made these charges and you must pay the debt you created.

Keep making your payments like normal. I recommend keeping a copy of the payments you make either by check or electronically, and put it in safe place where you can find it if needed. The new bank or credit card company that picks up your account should begin billing you normally, but you never know. You should keep records of payments for at least six months after your bank is taken over by another bank. Things happen during mergers or transfers of accounts to other banks or credit card companies. If for some reason there is a delay in billing don't think you are off the hook. The bank or credit card company will eventually discover the error and get you caught up. Don't miss payments. This will effect your FICO credit score.

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