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Monday, April 19, 2010

More to Life Than Just Debt

[This post is written and copyrighted by Financial Elite (http://financialelite.blogspot.com/ ).]

I know so many people who have been devastated by the economic crisis. People who had great credit and made good money had suddenly been devastated by layoffs and massive debt.

Loosing your job, getting into debt, and maybe even possibly losing your home can give you the worst feeling in the pit of your soul. After working so hard to maintain what you have earned by doing the right thing can be taken away in a heartbeat.

If you think your debt situation is the worst thing that can ever happen to you think again. I just learned a very good friend of mine has cancer.

My friend had recently been laid off and because of it had been looking into bankruptcy. He was even working on getting a loan modification to prevent having his home foreclosed on.

Unfortunately, he needed this like a hole in the head. To have no job, house facing foreclosure, possibly no insurance, and now probably the most serious disease there is.

I am sure he would trade the cancer in for all the financial problems in the world, but you get the point. This is the icing on the cake.

He and his wife were looking into adoption before all of this hit and were still pursuing it amidst the financial peril. This breaks my heart as my wife and I had been pursing adoption as well and this could have easily been us.

I am not saying you should forget about your debt, but I do want you to remember this. You are not a credit score, you are not home, and you are not a bad person because you have debt. In the end it all doesn't matter.

Be happy, do the best you can, and live your life to the fullest.Or as Suze Orman would say, "People First, Then Money, Then Things."

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