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Monday, May 31, 2010

Are You Wasting Your Life Away Playing Social Networking Games?

I am on Facebook just like everyone else these days. It's a great way to find old friends, network, and even grow your business, but is your status update page filled with your friends status of what they've done on Farmville or Mafia Wars like mine?

I have friends who are up at all hours of the day to feed their animals or tend to their crops. I am all for entertainment and some people would say going to the movies, reading a book, or even blogging is a waste of time.

Most of the friends I have that seem to have an obsession with social networking games are heavily in debt, are behind in their credit card payments, or are even on the verge of losing their home.

The games probably serve as a diversion from the stress of their financial situations, but I think all the time spent on these games can be used for bettering their finances and maybe even living a more fulfilling life.

I think there should be a game for people to do constructive tasks to improve their health, family life, finances, and spiritual life. Just about anything you can think of to feel better about yourself.

I would probably guess social networking games give people a sense of belonging and accomplishment, but I believe their are ways to do that in real life rather than an imaginary farm or being part of the mob.

I am not really trying to put any down for playing these online games, but don't you think you can do more with your life? I could use some improvements myself, but I do work on my businesses everyday, I have worked a second job when I needed too, and I have volunteered to help my community. I have also paid off thousands in debt this year.  I don't think I am slouch , but I could be doing more and there are many projects that I want to work on and haven't.

So, I am going to start a social networking game of my own. Not sure what I am going to call it for sure yet, but we'll say something like It's a Wonderful Life in 30 days or It's a Wonderful Financial Life. If anyone has any suggestion let me know.

[This post is written and copyrighted by Financial Elite (http://financialelite.blogspot.com/ ).]
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