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Saturday, May 29, 2010

I Wouldn't Trade My Current Financial Situation for All the Money in the World

Just four short years ago I was debt free and had quite a well endowed savings account, but as the economy began to falter and shortly after I was married, my credit card balances and my savings account balances did a complete flip flop. It was like a witch cast a spell, "Tis for tat, make this like that."

The massive debt that I had taken on had made me absolutely sick. I couldn't believe I had let it happen again. I would wake up in the middle of the night with a panic attacks thinking, how was I ever going to pay all this off? I even would have crazy thoughts during the day of, would I have this debt if I hadn't gotten married? After all, I had debt when I was married the first time and paid it all off when I was single. Now I was in a financial pickle again after getting married, was there a pattern?

Everything you do in life, including getting in debt, is done by the choices you make. My getting married again was my choice and getting in debt again was caused by the choices I made, but there were times when I wish I could just make it go way with a waive of a wand just as fast as it seemed to accumulate.

I went to see 'Shrek: The Final Chapter' today and received a free movie ticket, thanks to my Regal Club card. I love the Shrek movies and related the latest installment to Frank Capra's 'It's a Wonderful Life.'

In the movie Shrek decides he misses the days of being an Ogre rather than a husband and a father. He runs into Rumpelstiltskin and cuts a deal with him to be an Ogre again for just a day. The catch is he has to trade a day for a day. The day could be any day and Rumple chooses the day for Shrek in a round about way. The day Rumpelstiltskin picks is the day Shrek is born.

Shrek is whisked away and has a blast going around scaring people just as he did years ago. Through the course of the day Shrek learns Rumple has tricked him and Shrek was never born, the princess is never rescued and Shrek and Fionna never find true love, which destroys Far, Far, Far, Away Land, and Rumple has become the new ruler of land. Similar to the 'Back to the Future Part II' plot, Shrek finds himself in a reality that is dark and dismal. Shrek realizes the old adages "Be careful what you wish for" and "You don't know what you've got until it's gone." In the end of course Shrek saves the day and all is back to the way it was.

My wife and I have had a glorious baby girl come into our lives a few months ago. Since she has come in our lives we have paid off thousand in debt, have begun replenishing our savings, and are so happy for our little addition.

We are on track to be debt free in the next four and a half years, I am determined to do it in three, and I wouldn't trade it for all the money in world. The thoughts of not being married are "ridonkulous" as I would not have my wonderful wife who loves me whether we're rich or we're poor and wouldn't have my beautiful baby girl.

Every morning I hear her singing a song of "Goo's and Gah's" and the second she sees me walk in her room, she give me the biggest smile. As they say in the MasterCard commercials "priceless." I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

[This post is written and copyrighted by Financial Elite (http://financialelite.blogspot.com/ ).]
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