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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Why Bank of America Fire Me: Kudos to Jackie Ramos

[This post is written and copyrighted by Financial Elite (http://financialelite.blogspot.com/ ).]

Bank of America, YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR MIND! I had recently put my credit cards on Bank of America's (BLP) Balance Liquidation Program to help me get my credit back on track and it has been working, but the help I did get wasn't that easy and I have found out why.

I came across this video of a former Bank of America employee named Jackie Ramos, who was fired for doing the right thing and helping consumers. Jackie talks about her experience working in the so called customer assistance department, which is another name for the collection department.

Jackie took countless calls from consumer credit card holders trying to get assistance with their payments. These were people trying to do the right thing and pay back the money they owed on their cards and were looking for a hand up not a hand out.

Why Bank of America would rather jack up interest rates and make it even harder for card holders to make payments is beyond me. There are consumers out there who are out to stiff the banks out the money they owe them and that type of consumer deserves the late charges and high interest rates, but people who are trying to make things right deserve a helping hand.

Jackie had understood that people who are asking for help deserve a chance and began taking things in to her own hands. She refunded over the limit and late fees and put people on the banks fixed payment plans more often then she should have and because of this she was ultimately fired..

Bank of America why would you rather get nothing than something from people wanting to repay you? It's really a no brainer. Jackie understood with help a client could keep their account in good standing and prevent it from being charged off or forcing a client in to bankruptcy. How do you expect a borrower to afford to pay a 29.99% interest rate and late fees, but think that being on a debt reduction plan  is unaffordable?

Are you telling me consumers and subordinate employees are smarter than the executive's that  make these decisions? May be the consumers and the subordinate employees to deserve the bonuses you are still getting.

Have you tried to get a fixed payment or get on a balance liquidation program with your bank only to be denied? Tell us your story.  

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