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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Think Your Financial Information is Safe if You Have an Apple...Think Again.

From CNNMoney.com: Apple is the new hacker bulls-eye

Recent iPad security scares are a sign that Apple's devices are a growing target for hackers, spammers and malicious coders.

[A] "skilled attacker" could take advantage of a weakness in the iPad's Safari Internet browser to launch a spam attack from a compromised iPad.

Cybercriminals try to hack the software that most people use to access the Internet, and increasingly, that software is made by Apple.

[A]pple is now the second largest smart phone maker in the United States, behind only BlackBerry maker Research in Motion (RIMM).

I don't have a Mac, but have many friends who love them. Especially, since they don't have virus problems. As more and more people move to Apple products more and more viruses will attack them. Hackers need to learn to use their talents for better things rather wreck havoc with people's computers.

[This post is written and copyrighted by Financial Elite (http://financialelite.blogspot.com/ ).]
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