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Friday, July 2, 2010

11 Ways to Make Your Finances Stress Less

If you are feeling stressed about your finances these days -- Your not alone.

Seems like everyone is being pushed to their limits these days with credit cards being maxed out, people in fear of losing their jobs, or even losing their homes to foreclosure, and being stressed does not help any of those situations. Stress could lead to making rash or illogical decisions instead of doing what is right.

Here are eleven tips to help you and your family manage tension and think with a clear head during these difficult times.
  1. NURTURE GOOD CONNECTIONS with those you care about, and who are supportive and comforting to you.
  2. STAY FOCUSED on your regular work and home activities.Routines are especially calming and reassuring to children.
  3. LIMIT YOUR INTAKE OF THE NEWS and be aware of how disturbing such programs may be to children.
  4. GIVE GUIDANCE, SUPPORT AND REASSURANCE to the vulnerable people people in your life, especially children, even if you don't always feel it yourself.
  5. DO SOMETHING PLEASANT AND ENJOYABLE EVERY DAY to revitalize energy, expand problem-solving skills and strengthen your personal resiliency.
  6. PROVIDE SUPPORT TO OTHERS because there is always someone who is less fortunate than you are.
  7. STAY IN TOUCH WITH SOURCES OF SPIRITUAL STRENGTH AND RENEWAL, such as nature, prayer, yoga and meditation.
  8. BE GOOD TO YOURSELF be exercising, eating healthy food and getting enough sleep.
  9. AVOID EXCESSIVE USE of alcohol, tobacco or drugs
  10. GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION to feel and grieve the losses of others.
  11. MONITOR FEELINGS OF HELPLESSNESS OR LOSS OF CONTROL and seek professional help if you need it.    
These are some of the routines I have incorporated into my "It's a Wonderful Financial Life" project and helps so much.

How do you cope with the stress of your finances, like debt and savings?

[This post is written and copyrighted by Financial Elite (http://financialelite.blogspot.com/ ).]
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