It's a possibility the time that they have left to collect on the debts is coming to an end and they may be trying to make a last ditch effort to collect. Before we were married and back in the day when I was debt free, I had considered paying the debts off for my at the time future wife. But should I have paid my sweeties debts before we got married?
At the time I felt we weren't married yet and those debts weren't my responsibility until we were married. She really worked hard on getting most of her debts paid and her credit cleaned up before we got married. I really pushed to make sure we were on the same financial page before we said, "I do," but all of those issues were not entirely worked out, hence the credit issues we are currently enduring. I am not saying that you need to be entirely debt free before you get married, although it doesn't hurt, you really need to make sure you both are in agreement with your spending and lifestyle.
Your finance' needs to deal with their financial issues. Dealing with debt is psychological and emotional. Do everything you can to get yours and their finances under control before you get married. The number one reason couples get divorced is because of money. Get that under control and your marriage may last a lifetime.
[This post is written and copyrighted by Financial Elite ( ).]
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