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Monday, August 2, 2010

Decluttering My Finances, Home, and Personal Life

The third quarter of 2010 is rapidly coming to an end just as fast as 2010 itself. We have made so many strides with getting our financial situation back under control, yet, for me, I feel even more can be done.

We are in need of decluttering many aspects of our lives. Not only materially, but emotionally and physically. For myself as well as others, letting things go can cause much anxiety. But I know that letting go leaves room for more to come. That is true not only of our relationships, but of all things.

Like myself, so many were optimistic that this year was going to be a better year than the past couple. I still feel that way and know 2010 will finish out just as great as it has begun. My relationship with my wife has intensified with the arrival of our daughter and our finances are on the road to recovery as we have managed to pay off almost $20,000 worth of debt, with the balances on our credit cards getting lower and lower each month. Yet the excitement is beginning to wear off and I need boost to keep moving forward.

I think that continuing to clean house is just what I need and doing just that is a great way to re-energize. When cleaning house, both literally and materially, ask yourself if the things in your life promote joy and usefulness, or do they cause stress and bring you down?

I feel as though we have truly started a lifestyle cleanse this year and it is one that I want to continue and to constantly evolve. I had seen a list that Oprah suggested using to declutter your life and I think it is one that I am going to start following myself. If you need inspiration to help you with your life cleanse, here's her list:
  • Relationship to self -- stay away from decisions that don't support self-care, self-value, and self-worth.
  • Relationship to others -- Look at the people in your life. Do they give you energy and encourage your personal growth, or do they block that growth with dysfunctional dynamics? If they don't support you as a loving, open, free, and spontaneous person. Say goodbye to them.
  • Relationship to emotional life -- Stop stagnant patterns that no longer serve you.
  •  Relationship to work -- Don't just reduce the clutter of paperwork, inefficiency, and over communication, but also strive to have a balanced workload and make your work invigorating, inspiring, collaborative, and empowering to others.
  • Relationship to nature and play -- See these as expressions of love and opportunities to fill your life with truth and joy. 
So how do you know your life is beginning to be decluttered? When you know that you are evolving and that you are becoming the person you were meant to be.

[This post is written and copyrighted by Financial Elite (http://financialelite.blogspot.com/ ).]

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