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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bad at Blogging...But Great at Paying Off Debt

Day 325 of my Financial Freedom Countdown

My blog posts have fallen tremendously. Going from posting virtually everyday to posting once a week on Sunday's. I don't intend for this to continue this way forever and as things balance out a little a will get back to my regular posting. The thing is I am really busy right now and I mean really busy. Not only because of the holidays, but as in business. The kind of business I had before the recession. The busy that makes me a lot of money and also will help speed up my five year credit card balance liquidation plan.

Couple of things have happened the past couple of weeks and one of them is our production has picked up. It would seem people are starting to get confident and are beginning to start spending money again. We'll see if this lasts, but for now any excess funds coming in up and above what is in the realm of our normal budget is going towards debt. I expect to be able to start reporting on paying off and bringing several credit card accounts to a zero balance real soon. If things continue going the way they are that is. I think what is happening right now will continue on until at least January, but it feels like it could go on forever or at least until the next economic crisis, but who knows? We'll see.

Something else that happened this week was I pulled my credit report from https://www.annualcreditreport.com/. You are able to get a free copy of your credit card each year from the three major credit bureaus. I have learned from Blogging Away Debt that I should do this every quarter and will begin doing this more regularly now. This time around I chose Equifax for my free report and this is the first time I have pulled my credit report since my financial crisis began a couple of years ago.

I was glad to find that nothing out of the ordinary was happening, such as identity theft, and my balances were finally beginning to come down significantly. Many readers ask me, "How much debt do actually have?" I have well over six figures of debt and I have been meaning to post a page following my progress and I will do that soon. However, for now, here is an idea what my debt looks like 2010 comes to a close:

Car loan $15,960

Visa $4,829

Visa $767

Visa $13,890

Master Card $21,899

Visa $15,112

Master Card $12,752

Visa $18,164

Medical Account $3,552

Credit Line $9,590

Home improvement Loan $4,013

Personal Loan $17,078.85

Personal Loan $2,626.11

loan from parent $2,500

Grand ugly total $142,732.96

Just think this was even worse at the beginning of 2010. We have paid off a good $20,000 plus so far this year and I feel we will really begin our debt snowball real soon. This debt does not include our business debt nor our mortgages, so it is even uglier. I really do feel the best is yet to come and we are going to get this licked in three years instead of five. Just watch.

[This post is written and copyrighted by Financial Elite (http://financialelite.blogspot.com/ ).]

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