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Friday, October 17, 2008

Does it Matter Anyway if my Credit is Screwed Up?

Reports are saying that banks are beginning to loosen there grip on credit, but does it matter if your credit has been screwed during this financial meltdown. If your credit is a mess are they still going to lend to you? Here is how your FICO score is determined and how you can begin looking at what weighs the heaviest against your score.

-35% is your payment history. Always pay your bills on time. Having automatic payment can help make sure that happens.

-30% is your balances. If you can keep your balances on credit cards and other revolving credit below 50% of their limits or less is best.

-15% is length of your over all credit history. Don't let your cards go dormant. Rent a movie and put it on a card. No activity lowers your score. Also, never close account. Especially if it's one you had when first establishing your credit. The longer the better.

-10% new credit. Don't open account if you don't have too. If your shopping for credit to buy a home or new a car do it within two weeks. Multiple inquiries can bring down your score. FICO forgives for rate shopping, but only on inquires for the same type of credit and within the two week time frame. Another trick to use when buying are car is to bring your own credit report to the dealership so they don't run your credit through a bunch of banks. Dealerships generally now who will give you a loan based on your credit report.

-10% is types of loans you have. You can't do much about this, but get a credit card if you don't have one.

-You can request a copy of your credit report from all 3 credit reporting agencies at annualcreditreport.com

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