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Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Pursuit of Happyness...Revisted

I recently re-watched the movie The Pursuit of Happyness based on the book of the same name and starring Will Smith. The movie and book are the real life story of Chris Gardner.

Chris Gardner was once an entrepreneur of sorts who sold bone density scanners through a franchise. The movie chronicles his struggles as a salesman to one day have the inspiration to become a stock broker. Through much struggle and hard work he eventually reaches his goal and becomes a stock broker. He even starts his own investment firm one day called Gardner Rich & Co, which he later sold in a multi-million dollar deal.

It's a great story how perseverance will pay off. I think examples of Chris's struggle and drive to keep going can be found in books like The Dip and The Tipping Point. These books point out that we have a tendency to quit just before we reach the turning point and are able to reach our goals. In Chris's case he didn't quit until he reached his goal and continued to use that method throughout his life.

I always believed that God answered all prayers. Those answers may have been yes, no and maybe latter, but I now think he always answers yes and things will always work out as we intend as long we pay attention to what he sends our way to help achieve those things we want in life.

 In the movie The Pursuit of Happyness Chris's son tells a story, that I have heard many times ,that God will give us what we ask for. We just need to watch for it and take it when it comes.

The story is simple. A man stands outside of his home, while the town he lives floods, and prays for God to save him. As he continues to pray boat after boat comes by only for the man to refuse help. Eventually the man downs and goes to heaven.

He goes before God and asks him why did you let me drown after he continuously asked for help. Gods answers him and tells him, "I sent several boats to help. What else did you want me to do?" The story is simple, but true. Be careful what you ask for you might get, but be sure to recognize it when it's staring you in the face.

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