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Follow our 200K journey to get out of debt! We share our best money tips to get out of debt and build wealth.

Friday, March 12, 2010

A New Approach to a Personal Finance Blog

[This post is written and copyrighted by Six Figures in Debt...Again! (http://financialelite.blogspot.com/ ).]

Here we go again. In more ways then one. Financial Elite is once again changing it's name. We have gone from Financial Elite to The Debt Free Advocate and back to Financial Elite. More on that in a moment.

We have been trying to find the best way to share all of our 20 years financial knowledge and over the past year and a half have seemed to just not be able to find the right audience.

We have gone from a mixture of commenting on current financial events to economic news and how they tie in with your finances. We have also shared our experiences in banking and our own financial ups and downs.

So here we are changing the name once again. This time to Six Figures in Debt...Again. This go around we are going to concentrate on actual financial trials and tribulations (not that we didn't before) but this time on our own financial trials and tribulations and how we are going to get out of them.

There have been too many people that I know just throwing in the towel and giving up and surrendering to bankruptcy and foreclosure, but in our case, we just can't let that happen.

So we will be sharing how we got into the same mess everyone else is in. How the current economic crisis is helping or hindering us and how we are going to get out from under.

So stay tuned. take lots of notes and see how we get out of Six figures in debt...Again.

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Now What Do I Do? 

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