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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Collection Agencies Can Suck It! Especially Ones Like National Enterprise Systems

[This post is written and copyrighted by Financial Elite (http://financialelite.blogspot.com/ ).]

Those pesky debt collection companies, oh how I have learned to hate them! John's wife here again- no John did not die- he has simply given me the reins for a few posts, I'll let you in on a little secret- I'm more entertaining! HAHA!

As I am sure you all know we received 2 bills in the mail for approximately $6000 in medical bills a few weeks ago, and no I was not hiding them from John- I honestly simply forgot about them. The one bill is from something that should have been covered under our insurance, but for some reason was not paid, and I am still dealing with that. The other bill was from a medical line of credit that we had taken out to pay for fertility treatments, and has a balance of $3400.

Today I called the company that had purchased the debt from the original debt holder to discuss our options and was told that there was no payment plan. WHAT! no payment plan? Those people must be smoking something over there!! I was told that due to non payment the monthly payments had been revoked. Well, no shit Sherlock- if I was making my payments we wouldn't be having this discussion!

So I was told they would settle the account for a one time payment of $2700- well again thanks a lot, but if I had close to 3 grand we would not be having this conversation. Then I was given the option of paying the $2700 in two monthly payments. Again thanks, but no thanks! They act like they are giving you such a good deal, when really they are not. At this point in our conversation I am getting very upset, I kept asking for a payment plan. Then I was told that with $1000 I could have a payment plan. Again, who has an extra $1000 laying around.

I started to get very upset by this point and started going off about how Chase and Bank of America are giving way better deals on cards with way higher balances. I was told that they are not B of A or Chase, well gee tell me something I didn't know.

Then magically I am placed on hold- I'm thinking here it comes, the manager to try and talk me into something I don't want. It's like buying a car or a time share- you have to go up the ladder! So, Nicole the "supervisor" gets on the phone. She asks me why this balance is not a priority. I point blank tell her that we just received a letter in the mail two weeks ago. I also tell her that my credit cards with higher balances were more of a priority then her pesky $3000 balance.

Now, here is where John and I differ- I told her that she can work me a payment plan or she will get nothing, because they will have to write this balance off as bad debt. No attorney will take a measly $3000 balance- and it's not worth it to the company to pay court fees. The courts have way bigger fish to fry then this $3000 small ass bank's debt that was not paid. That was when she hung up on me.

So then I went into research mode, this company National Enterprise Systems has a terrible reputation, as so many collection companies do. Just Google them! They have been reported for unfair debt collection practices and the Better Business Bureau gave them an "Unsatisfactory" rating. They are just scum, actually lower then scum. Why don't they try to be understanding- getting a payment monthly is better then getting nothing, why don't you take that to your client! I am sure they would have to disagree with you! Something is always better then nothing. I am thinking I may call them back in a few days and see if I can't get a human who actually has a soul.

These collection companies are so overloaded with collections why they cannot just work with people I will never understand. There are a lot of people in really bad financial positions and these companies will not help them, they just keep trying to bury them deeper and deeper, it's amazing!! I hope those employees never loose their jobs and fall behind on bills, because karma is a real bitch!!

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