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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Simple Goals to save Money and Payoff Debt

After you have used your budgeting tools to work on your cash flow you may feel you still don't have enough money to meet your needs and payoff your debt.

We have discussed ways to reduce your expenses such as your utilities and insurance and find extra money to put towards your credit card debt, but there is always more you can do. Here are some simple goals I have come up with and have begun using.

  • Do not spend any money for one day. (My wife and I are now planning on bumping this up to not spending any money for one week)
  • Do not us your credit card for one week. (We have already started this one with great results. We haven't used our credit cards for  months)
  • Do not eat out at a restaurant for one month. (This has been a tough one as week has been the best we've done, but there is always room for improvement)   
These goals can be not only challenging, but can also motivate you to do more to save money. You will be amazed at what a difference little changes like these will make in improving your cash flow. Start with one of these goals and work your way up. Once you are able to accomplish each of these achievements, make a promise to yourself to continue to save money and eliminate your credit card debt as soon as you can. What may have once seemed impossible will begin to feel like a big relief.

[This post is written and copyrighted by Financial Elite (http://financialelite.blogspot.com/ ).]

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