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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Another Credit Card Gets Re-Aged!

Our financial situation continues to improve as we get our credit card accounts back on track. Thanks to our creditors Balance Liquidation Programs (BLP).

We just received a letter from Chase. Actually two letters, but whose counting. Well to tell the truth I am. Every time we get a letter like this it motivates me to keep pushing forward and get our debt paid off.

The first letter thanked us for our willingness to try and improve our financial situation and for enrolling in the Balance Liquidation Program. It reminded us of the benefits for enrolling in the program including a zero percentage (APR) and a waiver of late and over-limit fees. They also acknowledged our efforts in continuing to make payments to our account during our financial hardship. All in all it was a nice letter and I felt it made us feel like a valued customer.

The other letter was to let us know that we officially qualified for their re-age program and that this card would no longer reflect as past due. That makes a total of four cards that have now been brought current for us. We only have two more cards to go, which those will be current by the end of June.

Our journey down the path to financial freedom is underway. We're on a five year plan to get out of debt, but watch out, I want to do it in three.

[This post is written and copyrighted by Financial Elite (http://financialelite.blogspot.com/ ).]

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