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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Get to Know the Author of Financial Elite

While talking to myself today I decided to ask myself some questions about myself the readers of Financial Elite might be interested to know. So here's how the interview went. "Hello me, it's me again."

Briefly describe yourself
My name is John and worked in the finance industry for 20 years. Working in numerous areas of banking from teller to mortgage loan officer. I also have a degree in Finance and Banking.

Why did you start Financial Elite?
Finance was the furthest thing from my mind when deciding my career choice, but I ended up working in banking for 20 years. I have served in many positions in banking from one end to the other so I have heard or experienced many financial situations, whether it be with myself personally or situations clients had shared with me. Even though I worked in the field for so long I can't say I actually loved working in the field, but I do love talking about finance. I would like to be like Suze Orman or Dave Ramsey and share my experiences to help people with their debt, credit and finances. Hence Financial Elite was born.

What's one best practice you've implemented to better manage your day?
Prioritising. This is a skill I learned from taking a Franklin Covey day planner course. There have been times when I fell off the wagon with prioritising and it reflects in times when I am in debt. When I focus on prioritising debt seems to disappear and the road to financial freedom becomes visible again. When you prioritize a task you should ask yourself, Does it still add value? Is it more or less important than before? What new tasks have greater impact and take priority? But it's not all about finances. Since I have begun prioritizing again, family time has become paramount, as is time for fitness.

Everyone seems short of time these days, if you had an extra hour a day, how would you utilize it?
I would use it to think, meditate, and pray. Taking time to relax and reflect helps me to prioritise, which in turn frees up more time to spend on other things like time with family.

Besides finance, what else interests you?
I like being entrepreneurial, whether it's blogging or working on my business. I also have a vintage toy collection that keeps the kid in me alive.

Name a significant event that had a great impact on your life?
Getting married (the second marriage). I don't know what I would do without my wife. She is such a great supporter of me. But the other event that has had an impact on my life is our wonderful baby girl. My wife and I have been in process of adopting her and she is the most amazing little person.  My wife and I have struggled with infertility for years. I think experiencing that has made me more appreciative of my wife and of our child.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Batman. I love all things Batman, but as I got older I had an interest in being an architect or a doctor (OB/GYN).

Tell us something about yourself that readers would be surprised to know.
I kind of touched on this earlier. I love toys from my childhood. I grew up hooked on Batman. I also grew up when the Star Wars craze was hot and heavy. So my toy collection mainly contains Batman and Star Wars items.

[This post is written and copyrighted by Financial Elite (http://financialelite.blogspot.com/ ).]
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