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Friday, June 4, 2010

I Believe in as Many as Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast

I just watched Tim Burton's version of "Alice in Wonderland" and it inspired me to keep moving forward with my "It's a Wonderful Financial Life" project by giving me somethings to think of each day before breakfast.

In the movie Alice's father makes the statement  I believe in as many as six impossible things before breakfast hence, he can make impossible things possible, which in the end always make him successful at whatever he pursues in life. Alice later remembers this statement and it helps her achieve her destiny in Underland. Her six impossible things were:
  1. There are drinks that can make you smaller
  2. There are cakes that can make you bigger
  3. Animals can talk 
  4. Cats can disappear
  5. There's a place called Wonderland
  6. I can defeat the Jabberwocky 
I have decided to make a six impossible things to believe in list myself. Many of which I already believe in because the impossible has become possible.
  1. There are banks that will help you payoff your credit cards through their balance liquidation programs (BLP)
  2. There are banks giving loan modifications to borrowers in distress
  3. There is a difference between "wants" and "needs"
  4. Credit can be repaired
  5. There is a place called financial freedom
  6. I can defeat debt
I thought paying off six figures of debt was impossible at one time in my life, but I did it once and I can do it again. If you ever think something is impossible you are just pronouncing the word wrong. It should actually be pronounced " I'm possible."

[This post is written and copyrighted by Financial Elite (http://financialelite.blogspot.com/ ).]
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